Drone Warfare
Friends discuss drone warfare. The Grammar under focus is an instance of Reported Speech.
Malik: “Russia is using drones now against the Ukraine.”
Ramin: “Many countries manufacture them and sell them.”
Malik: “It’s true, and that includes Turkey, China, Israel and the United States.”
Ramin: “I read that Israel has destroyed drone factories in Iran.”
Malik: “Yes, but then they manufacture them in Venezuela.”
Ramin: “Governments used drones before for surveillance.”
Malik: “But now they use them to drop bombs on enemy countries.”
Manufacture means to make into a product suitable for use. See online Dictionary.
Surveillance means close watch kept over someone or something. See online Dictionary.
Suggested Topic for Comments: Reported Speech
“I read that Israel has destroyed drone factories in Iran.” This sentence demonstrates one basic structure in Reported Speech: Subject-Verb followed by a that-clause which functions as the direct object of the main verb. The complementizer that is often omitted, especially in informal speech.
Two new Idioms are “Warm and fuzzy” and “Get into.” The Grammar under focus is the Adverb “So.”
Kaitlyn: “These drones are so much a part of war now. It’s so much cheaper and safer to prosecute war with drones rather than military personnel.”
Shari: “Not to mention surveillance. Just keeping tabs on people.”
Kaitlyn: “Kind of creepy, for my money.”
Shari: “Iran makes and sells them to Russia.”
Kaitlyn: “I heard Israel has already bombed drone factories in Iran.”
Shari: “Ya, but they just open up new factories somewhere else overseas, like Venezuela.”
Kaitlyn: “China and Israel sell drones too. Not to mention America, of course. And Turkey.”
Shari: “I heard Russia pays for the drones not just in money, but with advanced military equipment like jet fighters.”
Kaitlyn: “To Iran? So everybody gets into the war game, either directly or indirectly.”
Shari: “Great fun. Pretty soon it will be dangerous to live anywhere in the world.”
Kaitlyn: “Imagine all the talks and strategical planning going on behind the scenes.”
Shari: “Ya, it makes me all warm and fuzzy, that’s for sure.”
Kaitlyn: “Yep, a total feel-good.”
Surveillance means the systematic observation of someone or something by visual or photographic means. See online Dictionary.
Keep tabs on means to observe carefully over time. See online Idioms Dictionary.
For my money means in my opinion or judgment. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Creepy means eerie, frightening. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Open up means to start the use of something, such as land, a building, a business, etc. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Get into means to become involved in something. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Warm and fuzzy means to feel comforted and reassured. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Feel-good means a (maybe specious) sense of happiness, well-being, or satisfaction. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Suggested topic for Comments: “So” as an Adverb.
“These drones are so much a part of war now.” The word “so” here is used as an emphatic substitute for “very.”
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