Eric Harrington Woro was born in Oakland, California and is a lifelong author, editor, and English instructor. He earned his M.A. at the University of Washington and his CELTA at BridgeTEFL in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Woro speaks many languages and has taught ESL for more than fifteen years all around the world, from Canada, Germany and Russia to southeast Asia and the Middle East. His first teaching book, How to Teach English in the Middle East, describes Oman in great detail, where he taught in a community college for four years. He followed with Dialogues with Idioms for Intermediate to Advanced (B1-C1) English language learners. His most recent teaching book, for Elementary to Advanced students (A1-C1), is a complete compilation of dialogues and idioms from this website (140 English Dialogues, 480 Idioms).
The main section of this website (Home) begins with “Marathon World Record,” with 140 dialogues and 480 idioms, and all instructional materials here are free of charge. Every lesson presents two English dialogues (basic and intermediate) with audio, vocabulary with idioms, and English grammar notes. A separate section on writing dialogue also fills out the total program of study. How long to master all the material? 1-2 years, depending on your discipline and motivation. Results are guaranteed, if you practice the idiomatic phrasing daily (see Learn Conversational English).
The compilation of dialogues and idioms released In late 2023 was in response to students who asked for the study information here in a single PDF or book. This book is available on Amazon in print or Kindle format.
Dialogue Writing
Learn Conversational English
English Grammar
480 English Idioms