Daily Exercises

Daily Exercises

daily exercises

A new Phrasal Verb is “Hold down.” The English Grammar focuses on Wh-Clefts.

Abel: “How does that work?”
Grant: “It’s simple. Just hold the end down with your foot, and pull up on the sides.”
Abel: “Oh, I see. Duh.”
Grant: “Look at this. I’ve got several new contraptions from the store.”
Abel: “What does that one do?”
Grant: “That works your abs. It’s good for your core.”
Abel: “I like what you’ve got here.”
Grant: “I can do a lot just in my garage. Then I go running afterwards.”
Abel: “So it’s a combination of power and cardio.”
Grant: “That’s right, and that’s what we need.”


Hold down as a phrasal verb means to push down on something to prevent it from moving or shifting. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Contraption means device, gadget. The dictionary says it may be a blend of contrivance, trap, and invention. See online Dictionary.
Cardio means cardiovascular exercises. See online Dictionary.

Suggested Topic for Comments: Wh-Clefts

“That’s what we need.” In the Wh-cleft sentence, there is a pivotal form of “to be” (as distinguished from free relative constructions) and the initial Wh-clause is elaborated after the copula. It is also worth noting that the Wh-clefts can be reversed: “What we need is that.”


Tony and Aaron discuss daily exercises. The Grammar focuses on the Conditional.

Aaron: “There’s a big open space over there, not too many people.”
Tony: “Great, do you want an umbrella? I can call the guy over.”
Aaron: “Sure, why not? Are you going swimming?”
Tony: “I have to exercise today.”
Aaron: “I always eat like a horse when I swim.”
Tony: “If I don’t swim, I have to run to stay in shape.”
Aaron: “Walking would do just as well.”
Tony: “Walking is great, but maybe not enough.”
Aaron: “What do you mean?”
Tony: “I have to get some kind of aerobic thing going. Running is better.”
Aaron: “Fast walking works.”
Tony: “Not for me. It reminds me of those older folks in the park on Sundays.”
Aaron: “That’s cruel. Everybody has to exercise.”
Tony: “I would be a fish out of water doing that. I’m too young.”
Aaron: “Well, they didn’t run when they were younger, so walking is the best they can do now.”
Tony: “Such wisdom!”
Aaron: “I don’t know, I just play it by ear. Today I swim.”


Call over means to request that someone come to where one is. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Eat like a horse means to eat large quantities of food. See online Idioms Dictionary.
In shape means in good, robust health; strong or fit. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/in+shape.
A fish out of water means a person who is in a completely unsuitable environment or situation. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+fish+out+of+water.
Play it by ear means to decide how to act in or deal with a particular situation in an adaptive, flexible, or improvised way, based on the circumstances. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/play+it+by+ear.

Suggested Topic for Comments: Conditionals

It’s either that or long-distance running, if you want to stay in shape. The clauses can be reversed, and the sentence re-worded to: If you want to stay in shape, it’s either that or long-distance running. This is what is known as a Generic Factual Conditional, which is very frequent in scientific writing: If you freeze water, it turns to ice. These constructions express relationships that are true and unchanging, and therefore normally take the present tense in both clauses.

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