English Grammar and Dialogue

English Grammar and Dialogue

English grammar and dialogue

Two sisters discuss English grammar and dialogue. The Grammar focuses on irregular Comparatives.

Soraya: “You have to study harder.”
Anju: “I study enough.”
Soraya: “You don’t study enough. I know the truth, don’t lie.”
Anju: “You’re my big sister but this is my life.”
Soraya: “You have to master English dialogue. Otherwise you’ll fail.”
Anju: “Sometimes I don’t care. It’s money, isn’t it? But there are other jobs. There are other ways to make money.”
Soraya: “You have to graduate college. That means you have to pass your English exams.”
Anju: “Do I really? I like the grammar but dialogue is too hard sometimes.”
Soraya: “It would not be hard if you applied yourself.”
Anju: “I work hard, but it doesn’t pay off.”
Soraya: “So work harder, sister. Not everything pays off right away.”
Anju: “I get hung up on speaking. That’s the worst part.
Soraya: “Practice your English with me. Use the idioms you’re learning.”
Anju: “Okay.”


Apply yourself means to try hard or concentrate one’s abilities towards something. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Pay off is a phrasal verb that means to result in profit or advantage; succeed. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Right away is an idiom which means immediately, at once, without delay. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Hung up means delayed, hindered. See online Idioms Dictionary.

Suggested Topic for Comments: Comparatives

Bad, worse, worst. This is an irregular adjective with irregular comparative and superlative forms. The trio is not bad, badder, baddest!


Two new Idioms are “clown around” and “cut the mustard.” The Grammar focuses on common verbs that take that-Complements.

Soraya: “You need to quit clowning around and get serious about your exams.”
Anju: “Just because you’re my big sister doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.”
Soraya: “Who else is going to tell you? You have to demonstrate your fluency in English and pass these exams. That way you’ll make it to the next level.”
Anju: “Sometimes I just think I’d rather be working and making money.”
Soraya: “You can’t shortchange your education. You have to finish and go to graduate school.”
Anju: “English is so difficult sometimes! But you know I always follow your advice. Sometimes I get tired of it, however.”
Soraya: “Once you get through all of this and start seeing the job offers come in, you’ll feel differently.”
Anju: “Maybe so, but I’m out of sorts right now.”
Soraya: “I know you are, but you haven’t got that far to go. You need to get control of what you’re doing, or you won’t cut the mustard.”
Anju: “Sometimes it seems that simple dialogue between friends is most difficult. Because there are always idioms.”
Soraya: “You study, you practice, you review, and you take your exams. Period!”
Anju: “All right, I promise I’ll give it my best shot.
Soraya: “That’s my girl.”
Anju: “You know you’re a pain in the neck, right?”


Clown around means to act silly, mess around. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Shortchange means to treat unfairly or deceitfully; cheat. See online Dictionary.
Out of sorts means not feeling well; grumpy, irritable. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Cut the mustard means to perform satisfactorily, meet the required standard. See online Idioms Dictionary.
Give it my best shot means to try as hard as you can to do something or to achieve something. See online Idioms Dictionary
Pain in the neck means a bothersome, annoying person. See online Idioms Dictionary.

Suggested Topic for Comments: Complementation

I promise I’ll give it my best shot. “Promise” is one of a number of verbs that permit or require tensed that-complements as object. Some of the more common are believe, claim, expect, and know, and a few others are think, wish, learn, prove, and realize.

Several examples show that the complementizer in these sentences is often optional: “I promise (that) I’ll give it my best shot”; “I think (that) Jhonna knows the word meanings”; “You realize (that) the teacher will teach you all English grammar.”

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